Orangery in Park Sanssouci

Orangerie in Park Sanssouci

Orangerie in Park Sanssouci

fountain in front of Orangerie

statue at Orangerie

The 300 m long Orangery was the last building erected in Park Sanssouci. Ludwig Persius and Friedrich August Stüler drew the plans, influenced by King Frederick William IV interest in buildings of the Italian Renaissance. Construction started in 1851 and was finished in 1864.

The long wings of the Orangery contain glass houses which still provide winter storage for large potted plants. In the centre of the building is the Raphael Hall. This hall houses a collection of almost 50 paintings, copied from Raphael's work.

View location in Park Sanssouci, Potsdam, Germany.
Jurgen Huibers
Jurgen Huibers

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