Bastogne War Museum in the Belgian Ardennes

The Bastogne War Museum is the main museum of the famous Battle of the Bulge. This battle took place during World War II in the Ardennes in Belgium and Luxembourg. At that time the Americans in Bastogne were surrounded by the German army. During more than 5 weeks in extreme weather conditions both sides suffered severe casualties. 

Museum in Belgian Ardennes about the Battle of the Bulge

The museum shows the life of four characters before, during and after the occupation. It uses the latest techniques in the field of audio and video and makes you relive the past as a visitor. By means of scenevisions you get a good picture of how the war played out for the 4 characters. The museum also displays materials from private and public collections. This includes documents, weapons and uniforms, but also utensils belonging to citizens of Bastogne. 

Museum in Belgian Ardennes about the Battle of the Bulge

Bastogne War Museum is located next to the Mardasson Memorial. This monument was erected to honor the memory of the American soldiers killed, wounded or missing during the Battle of the Bulge.

Location: Colline du Mardasson 5, 6600 Bastogne, Belgium.

Museum in Belgian Ardennes about the Battle of the Bulge

Museum in Belgian Ardennes about the Battle of the Bulge

Museum in Belgian Ardennes about the Battle of the Bulge

Museum in Belgian Ardennes about the Battle of the Bulge

Museum in Belgian Ardennes about the Battle of the Bulge

The Bastogne War Museum is the main museum of the famous Battle of the Bulge. This battle took place during World War II in the Ardennes in ...

An Exciting Boat Ride in the Caves of Remouchamps

The caves of Remouchamps are a must-see when you visit the Ardennes region in Belgium. Not only are the caves a spectacular sight, inside you can find the longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists. 

The longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists in the Caves of Remouchamps

Some 8,000 years ago, Paleolithic hunters sheltered in the cave, and much later, the same area was used as a wine shelter, and a shelter during World War II. Since 1828 the caves of Remouchamps are open for public, a tour takes around 75 minutes. The first part of your visit is a 800m stroll past the passageways decorated with many stalactites and stalagmites. During this tour you'll also see the "Cathedral", a 40m high hall that can accomodate a 12-storey apartment building. After seeing all this beauty you'll experience one of the most magnificent boat rides ever. The boat ride, entirely underground on the river Rubicon, is 700m long and offers a view of the caves in a truly exciting way.

The longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists in the Caves of Remouchamps

Location: Rue de Louveigné 3, 4920 Aywaille, Belgium.

The longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists in the Caves of Remouchamps

The longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists in the Caves of Remouchamps

The longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists in the Caves of Remouchamps

The longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists in the Caves of Remouchamps

The longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists in the Caves of Remouchamps

The longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists in the Caves of Remouchamps

The longest underground boat ride in the world open for tourists in the Caves of Remouchamps

The caves of Remouchamps are a must-see when you visit the Ardennes region in Belgium. Not only are the caves a spectacular sight, inside yo...

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

located on a hill overlooking the Our valley in Luxembourg, Vianden Castle is one of the most popular castles in Europe. The first buildings of the castle were constructed in the 12th and 13th century on the foundations of a Roman castle. Over the next centuries Vianden Castle was expanded and became the residence of the powerful counts of Vianden. 

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

The castle fell in ruins after it was sold piece by piece in 1820 by King William I of Holland. In 1890 Vianden Castle was acquired by Grand Duke Adolphe of the Nassau Dynasty and remained the property of the family until 1977. At that time it was sold to the state of Luxembourg. Since then the castle was renovated and rebuilt after old images to its former glory. Vianden Castle is now a museum and is also used for official State occasions. 

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

In 2019 CNN added Vianden Castle to the list of most beautiful castles in the world. Other castles on that list that you can find on this blog are: Neuschwanstein Castle, Edinburgh Castle and Prague Castle

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

Location Vianden Castle: Montée du Château, 9408 Vianden, Luxembourg. 

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

Vianden Castle in Luxembourg

located on a hill overlooking the Our valley in Luxembourg, Vianden Castle is one of the most popular castles in Europe. The first buildings...

Visit the Most Beautiful Zoo in Europe

Voted best zoo in Europe and awarded three stars in the Green Michelin Guide, Pairi Daiza takes you on a journey through the 5 continents. The animal park is located in Brugelette, on the former Cambron Abbey estate and is the main tourist attraction in Belgium.
Light Tower in the most beautiful zoo in Europe
Pairi Daiza lets you visit more than 7000 animals in 8 different worlds. These worlds are: The Kingdom of Ganesha, The Middle Kingdom, The Land of the Cold, Cambron-Abbey, Cambron-by-the-Sea, The Land of Origins, The Southern Cape and The Last Frontier. Animals that you can see here include pandas, tigers, wolves, polar bears, walruses, orangutans, gorillas, lions, etc. 

Rhinos in Pairi Daiza in Brugelette, Belgium

Iguana in the most beautiful zoo en Europe, Pairi Daiza

The zoo is also well known for their beautiful world gardens and buildings. In old Persian, Pairi Daiza means "closed garden", which is the oldest name for Paradise. It certainly lives up to this name. Asian temples, African villages, ruins of the former abbey, rose gardens, rice fields, a large Russian Izba, Pairi Daiza brings the beauty of all continents in their themed worlds. 

Buddhist temple in Pairi Daiza

Russian Izba in Pairi Daiza

Pairi Daiza has a great playground for the kids to explore and a 300 meter long adventure rope bridge. There is also a wide range of restaurants and bistros and various picnic areas in the different worlds.

Rope bridge in Pairi Daiza

Rope bridge in Pairi Daiza

You may need more than 1 day to discover the beauty of the park. That is why you can now choose for a unique overnight stay at Pairi Daiza. There are several options to choose from, all of them offering a fantastic view of the animals from your room. For example, you can see a walrus swimming by, bears and wolves come to your window, or have a view of the enclosure of the penguins. Have a look here for my post about the unique accommodations in Pairi Daiza. 

Resort in Pairi Daiza, most beautiful zoo in Europe

Location Pari Daiza: Domaine de Cambron, 7940 Brugelette, Belgium.

African village in Pairi Daiza

Pairi Daiza, most beautiful zoo in Europe

Pairi Daiza, most beautiful zoo in Europe

Tiger sleeping on temple in Pairi Daiza

Hippopotamus in Pairi Daiza, most beautiful zoo in Europe

Japanese macaque in Pairi Daiza

Chinese pavilion in Pairi Daiza

View of Chinese garden in Pairi Daiza

Voted best zoo in Europe and awarded three stars in the Green Michelin Guide, Pairi Daiza takes you on a journey through the 5 continents. T...

The Beautiful Railway Cathedral in Liège-Guillemins

The Liège-Guillemins station is the most photographed monument in Liège. This architectural gem was designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava and inaugurated in September 2009 after 10 years of work. During the construction the railway station was kept operational. 

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

Its white color and its shapes clearly refer to the style of Santiago Calatrava. Because of its large windows the station is naturally lit and transparent and called a modern day cathedral. The glass and steel arched roof extends over the five platforms with a width of 150 m. Its two canopies reaches a height of 40 metres.

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

From the Liège-Guillemins station you can easily travel to Germany, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg with Thalys, ICE and InterCity trains. 

Location: Place des Guillemins 2, 4000 Liège, Belgium.

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

Railway station in Liège-Guillemins, Belgium, designed by Valencian architect Santiago Calatrava

The Liège-Guillemins station is the most photographed monument in Liège. This architectural gem was designed by Valencian architect Santiago...