The Bridge in Vroenhoven: a Historical Place in Belgium

The Bridge in Vroenhoven brings together two stories in a interactive experience center:

- the Vroenhoven bridge across the Albert Canal was where the Second World War started in Belgium

- the canals as a mobility network with great value to the economy and climate

Listen to the stories of soldiers and civilians and learn why the war started in this region. You experience the invasion hour by hour in words, sound, photo and film.

In the experience center for navigation you will learn more about the waterways, how bridges are built and many other questions will be answered.

After your visit you can have a drink or a snack in the cafetaria Onder de Brug (Under the Bridge) and enjoy the view of the Albert Canal from the terrace. The unique outdoor auditorium of the cafetaria is also a great location for music and theater performances and other events.

On the second picture you can see the World Peace Flame close to the Bridge in Vroenhoven. It symbolizes peace between nations and peoples, tolerance and respect. But also peace through enthusiasm, passion and inner balance.

Location: Maastrichtersteenweg 212, 3770 Riemst, Belgium.

The Bridge in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge in Vroenhoven brings together two stories in a interactive experience center: - the Vroenhoven bridge across the Albert Canal ...

Zippa Zebra's Funjungle in Hoogeveen

Zippa Zebra's Funjungle is an indoor playground located in Hoogeveen, the Netherlands. The 2,000 m² large playground is decorated as a jungle with camouflage nets, banana trees and plants. Children will have a great time with the air cushions, monkey cage, zip lines, ball pools and sling ropes. The indoor playground also has a double toboggan run of 15 meters long and a football cage.


Location: Groenewegenstraat 21, 7901 ED Hoogeveen, the Netherlands.

Zippa Zebra's Funjungle in Hoogeveen

Zippa Zebra's Funjungle in Hoogeveen

Zippa Zebra's Funjungle in Hoogeveen

Zippa Zebra's Funjungle in Hoogeveen

Zippa Zebra's Funjungle in Hoogeveen

Zippa Zebra's Funjungle in Hoogeveen

Zippa Zebra's Funjungle in Hoogeveen

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Zippa Zebra's Funjungle is an indoor playground located in Hoogeveen, the Netherlands. The 2,000 m² large playground is decorated as a j...

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderwereld (wonderworld) is a fantasy and animal park that offers guaranteed entertainment for young children. The park is located in Ter Apel, in the Dutch province of Groningen.

Wonderwereld has an impressive collection in the nature discovery center, this is a great way to start the tour and learn more about animals. After having a look at the collection, children will have a great time in the dragon cave. Here are a lot of small passageways and fairy-tale creatures to discover.

The park has also a large collection of birds of prey and owls. Close to the playground live the prairie dogs that sometimes come out of their holes. At the end of the tour is the subtropical greenhouse with a collection of animals that live in warm countries.

Location: Ruiten A Kanaal Noord 1, 9561 TE Ter Apel, the Netherlands.

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

Wonderworld: a Fantasy and Animal Park

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Wonderwereld (wonderworld) is a fantasy and animal park that offers guaranteed entertainment for young children. The park is located in Ter ...

The Vlooyberg Tower: a Unique Lookout Tower

The Vlooyberg Tower (Vlooybergtoren) is a lookout tower located in Tielt-Winge in Belgium. The tower has the shape of a stairway, it measures over 20m long and 11m high. The Vlooybergtoren stands at one of the highest locations in the region and offers panoramic views of the Hageland.

The stairway has a galvanized framework which is covered in weatherproof steel. Its colour refers to the iron-sandstone heritage of the Hageland region. Around the tower are various walking routes, including in the nearby forest.

Parking is next to Huize Hageland (Oudepastoriestraat 22, 3390 ), from here it's a small walk to the tower.

The Vlooyberg Tower: an Unique Lookout Tower

Vlooybergtoren in Tielt-Winge

The Vlooyberg Tower: an Unique Lookout Tower

Vlooybergtoren in Tielt-Winge

Vlooybergtoren in Tielt-Winge

The Vlooyberg Tower (Vlooybergtoren) is a lookout tower located in Tielt-Winge in Belgium. The tower has the shape of a stairway, it measure...

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

Mondo Verde in Landgraaf is a great place to visit in spring. With lots of green grass and colorful flowers, the world gardens here look even more beautiful. The animals and their offspring can also be seen at lots of places here, nature at its finest.

You can find more pictures about Monde Verde in my previous posts.

Location: Groene Wereld 10, 6372 PW Landgraaf, the Netherlands.

Giant of the Apennines in Mondo Verde

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

A Visit to Mondo Verde in Spring

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Mondo Verde in Landgraaf is a great place to visit in spring. With lots of green grass and colorful flowers, the world gardens here look eve...