The Bridge in Vroenhoven: a Historical Place in Belgium

The Bridge in Vroenhoven brings together two stories in a interactive experience center:

- the Vroenhoven bridge across the Albert Canal was where the Second World War started in Belgium

- the canals as a mobility network with great value to the economy and climate

Listen to the stories of soldiers and civilians and learn why the war started in this region. You experience the invasion hour by hour in words, sound, photo and film.

In the experience center for navigation you will learn more about the waterways, how bridges are built and many other questions will be answered.

After your visit you can have a drink or a snack in the cafetaria Onder de Brug (Under the Bridge) and enjoy the view of the Albert Canal from the terrace. The unique outdoor auditorium of the cafetaria is also a great location for music and theater performances and other events.

On the second picture you can see the World Peace Flame close to the Bridge in Vroenhoven. It symbolizes peace between nations and peoples, tolerance and respect. But also peace through enthusiasm, passion and inner balance.

Location: Maastrichtersteenweg 212, 3770 Riemst, Belgium.

The Bridge in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

The Bridge (De Brug) in Vroenhoven

Jurgen Huibers
Jurgen Huibers

We're a family of five from the picturesque scenery of Belgium. Come along with us as we share stories from our journeys so far. And if you're curious about any of the places we've visited, don't hesitate to ask. Your dream European getaway is within reach, and we're here to make it extraordinary!

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