Old Harbor at the Motława River in Gdansk

Gdańsk, a city where the echoes of centuries past reverberate through its cobbled streets and historic waterways. At the heart of this captivating city lies the Old Harbor, a place where the tapestry of history unfolds along the serene waters of the Motława River. 

view of the Old Harbor on the Motława River in Gdansk

Centuries ago, the Old Harbor was the lifeblood of Gdańsk. As a vital trading post within the Hanseatic League, merchants and sailors from across Europe converged here, exchanging goods and tales of distant lands. The harbor bustled with activity, and the echoes of these maritime endeavors still resonate in the air.

Old Harbor on the Motława River in Gdansk with colorful houses and cafes

Wandering along the quayside, visitors are greeted by a mesmerizing array of historic buildings. Vibrant facades, adorned with intricate details, house museums, galleries, and charming cafés. The Green Gate and High Gate, remnants of medieval fortifications, guard the entrances to the Old Harbor, providing a glimpse into the city's fortified past.

Old Harbor on the Motława River in Gdansk with beautiful buildings

Old Harbor on the Motława River in Gdansk with restaurants and cafes

A symbol of Gdańsk's seafaring spirit, the Żuraw, or medieval port crane, stands tall against the skyline. Dating back to the 14th century, this colossal wooden structure was once the powerhouse behind the city’s trade, lifting cargoes from ships and shaping the city’s skyline. Today, it serves as a silent sentinel, watching over the bustling waterfront.

view of Zuraw in the Old Harbor in Gdansk

Old Harbor on the Motława River in Gdansk with beautiful buildings and cafes

The Old Harbor is not merely a relic of the past; it’s a vibrant cultural hub. Throughout the year, the waterfront comes alive with festivals, concerts, and art exhibitions. The National Maritime Museum, nestled nearby, offers a treasure trove of maritime artifacts, providing a fascinating insight into Poland’s nautical history.

Old Harbor on the Motława River in Gdansk with historic buildings

A visit to the Old Harbor isn’t complete without a boat tour. Setting sail on the Motława River, visitors are treated to panoramic views of the historic waterfront. As the gentle breeze carries tales of bygone eras, the city reveals its architectural wonders and hidden gems, including the elegant churches and majestic warehouses that line the riverbanks.

Gdańsk, a city where the echoes of centuries past reverberate through its cobbled streets and historic waterways. At the heart of this capti...

The Long Market in the Main Town of Gdansk

The Long Market (Długi Targ) in Gdansk is part of the Royal Way which begins at the Golden Gate and ends with the Green Gate. Like in the Long Street (Ulica Długa), you can find here lots of colorful and important buildings. It also has many small tourist stalls and restaurants.

One of the eyecatchers here is the Neptune Fountain from the beginning of the 17th century. It was designed by Abraham van den Blocke and symbolizes the strong connection between Gdansk and the sea.

Another important landmark at the Long Market is Artus Court (Dwór Artusa). This house is located behind the Neptune Fountain and was originally built around 1350. The impressive facade was also created by Abraham van den Blocke between 1616-1618. Artus Court served as a meeting place for rich merchants and patriciates and was a centre of social life. It now is part of Gdansk History Museum.

Location: Długi Targ, Gdańsk, Poland.

Neptune Fountain on the Long Market in Gdansk

Artus Court on the Long Market in Gdansk

statues on house of Long Market in Gdansk

colorful buildings on the Long Market in Gdansk

Gdansk's Main Town Hall on the Long Market

colorful buildings on the Long Market in Gdansk

beautiful decorated house on the Long Market in Gdansk

The Long Market (Długi Targ) in Gdansk is part of the Royal Way which begins at the Golden Gate and ends with the Green Gate. Like in the Lo...

Walking Between Treetops in Ziegelwies

This treetops walk is located at the Walderlebniszentrum(forest adventure center) in Ziegelwies, close to the Lechfall in Füssen. It crosses the Austria-Germany border and offers magnificent views of the surrounding area. The length of the path is 480 m and its highest point is 21 m above the ground. You can access the path either from the Austrian or the German side.

Besides having a treetop walk, the Walderlebniszentrum also has 2 hiking trails which are ideal to visit with children. The Auwaldpfad(river forest trail) is 1,5 km long and the Bergwaldpfad(mountain forest trail) is 1,7 km long. Both paths are located in Ziegelwies and start at the forest adventure center.

Location: Tiroler Str. 10, 87629 Füssen, Germany.

wooden footpath between treetops in Walderlebniszentrum Ziegelwies

walking between treetops with alps in background

walking between treetops in Walderlebniszentrum Ziegelwies

wooden footpath between treetops in forest adventure center

walking between treetops in forest adventure center in Ziegelwies

This treetops walk is located at the Walderlebniszentrum(forest adventure center) in Ziegelwies, close to the Lechfall in Füssen . It crosse...

Highline 179: Spectacular Footbridge in Austria

Located in Reutte, Austria, Highline 179 is one of the longest span footbridges in the world. With a length of 406m and a height of 114m, the bridge connects the ruins of Ehrenberg Castle and Fort Claudia. The metal footpath of Highline 179 is 1,2 wide and you can see straight down below, you'll also notice that it slightly moves. The name of the bridge comes from highway 179 that runs under it.

When it opened in 2014, Highline 179 was the longest span Tibet-style suspension bridge in the world. In 2017 its first place was taken by the Charles Kuonen Suspension Bridge which opened then in Randa, Switzerland.

Tickets for Highline 179 can be purchased at the visitor centre below or from the machine at the bridge. Remember that it is a steep walk to the top but is rewarded with beautiful views.

Location: Klause 1, 6600 Reutte, Austria.

view of Highline 179 from down below

view of Highline 179 from Ehrenberg Castle

view of Highline 179 when walking on footpath

looking down below from Highline 179 in Reutte

looking down below from Highline 179 in Reutte

view of Highline 179 from Fort Claudia side

view of Highline 179 and Ehrenberg Castle

Located in Reutte, Austria, Highline 179 is one of the longest span footbridges in the world. With a length of 406m and a height of 114m, th...

The Long Street in the Main Town of Gdansk

The Long Street (Ulica Długa) is one of the most beautiful and important streets in the Main Town of Gdansk. It begins at the Golden Gate and ends at the Long Market (Długi Targ). You'll notice this street has a lot of colorful and beautiful decorated buildings. Together with the long market this was where the wealthiest residents of Gdansk used to live.

The most famous houses in the Long Street are the Uphagen House (Kamienica Uphagena) at nr. 12, the Ferber House (Dom Ferberów) at nr. 28, and the Schumann House (Dom Szumannów) at nr. 45. The Uphagen House is open for visitors, it houses the Museum of Burgher Interiors.

Gdansk's Main Town Hall is the last building before you enter the Long Market. It can be recognized by the large tower, which makes it the second highest building of the Main Town. It used to be the seat of the city authorities until 1921, now it houses a Historical Museum. Its tower can also be visited for which you have to pay separately.

Location: Ulica Długa, Gdańsk, Poland.

Long Street in Main Town of Gdansk

statues on facade of house in Long Street in Gdansk

decorated facade of house in Ulica Długa in Gdansk

beautiful decorated wooden door in Gdansk

decorated facade in Gdansk

decorated facade in Ulica Długa in Gdansk

beautiful house in Long Street in Gdansk

colorful houses in Ulica Długa in Gdansk

view of Golden Gate from Long Street in Gdansk

The Long Street (Ulica Długa) is one of the most beautiful and important streets in the Main Town of Gdansk. It begins at the Golden Gate a...