Sliding Down a Glacier on the Zugspitze in Germany

Germany's largest glacier, the Schneeferner, is located on the Zugspitze in the Bavarian Alps. This glacier was once part of the Plattachferner, a glacier which covered almost an area of 300 hectares. Today it has shrunk so much that the Schneeferner is in danger of disappearing. However everything possible is being done to preserve the glacier as long as possible.

The Zugspitze Glacier is still a popular place for skiers and snowboarders during the winter months and offers perfectly prepared slopes. During the summer months visitors can borrow a toboggan for free and slide down the glacier. It's also possible to have a glacier walk and enjoy fantastic views.

You can reach the Schneeferner by taking the glacier lifts from the top of the Zugspitze. It has an infrastructure with 2 restaurants and a sun terrace which makes it an excellent place to admire the surroundings.

Location: Schneeferner, Zugspitze, Germany.

Sliding Down a Glacier on a toboggan on the Zugspitze

view of Zugspitze and snow for sliding

restaurants close to the Schneeferner Glacier on the Zugspitze

Schneeferner Glacier on Zugspitze and clouds

church close to Schneeferner Glacier on the Zugspitze

view of restaurants close to Schneeferner Glacier on Zugspitze

glacier lifts from top of the Zugspitze to Schneeferner Glacier

Germany's largest glacier, the Schneeferner, is located on the Zugspitze in the Bavarian Alps. This glacier was once part of the Platta...

Zugspitze, Germany's Highest Mountain

With a height of 2962m, the Zugspitze is the highest mountain in Germany. It's part of the Wetterstein Mountains and lies at the Austria-Germany border. The top of the Zugspitze can be reached from two different sides. You can take the Eibsee Cable Car at the German side of the mountain or the Tiroler Zugspitzbahn in Ehrwald, Austria.

The top offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area. We arrived on a cloudy day and couldn't see as far as on a sunny day, but it was still a special experience being surrounded by clouds. When you take the Tiroler Zugspitzbahn in Ehrwald you also get a free ticket to the museum “Fascination Zugspitze”. This museum explains more about the historical developments on the Zugspitze.

At the top you'll also find a great infrastructure with lots of restaurants to choose from. Everything from small appetizers to a large meal and with a great view to enjoy.

Besides all of this there's one more thing you can do for a complete visit to the Zugspitze. You can take a cable car from the summit to a glacier which is situated 300m below. This is a great place for everyone who likes to slide down a glacier.

Locations cable car:
- Tiroler Zugspitzbahn: Obermoos 1, 6632 Ehrwald, Austria
- Eibsee Cable Car: Am Eibsee 6, 82491 Grainau, Germany

view from the Zugspitze in Germany

snow and clouds on summit of the Zugspitze

view on mountains and valley from top of the Zugspitze

snow on mountains surrounding the Zugspitze

old cable car in museum on Zugspitze

view from viewing platform in museum on top of Zugspitze

old pictures in museum of Zugspitze

old posters in museum of Zugspitze

starting point Tiroler Zugspitzbahn

With a height of 2962m, the Zugspitze is the highest mountain in Germany. It's part of the Wetterstein Mountains and lies at the Austria...

Gdansk Shipyard: the Birthplace of Solidarity

The Gdańsk Shipyard, also known as Stocznia Gdańska, stands as a pivotal site in European history. It was within these very walls that historic demonstrations ignited at the former Lenin Shipyard, laying the foundation for the birth of the Solidarity movement in 1980. Led by the indomitable Lech Wałęsa, this grassroots trade union paved the way for transformative change, ultimately culminating in Poland's first post-communist election in 1990. In a landmark victory, Lech Wałęsa emerged as the elected president, marking the definitive end of the communist regime in Poland.

Gdansk Shipyard entrance gate

Today, several significant sites associated with the uprisings and historic buildings remain accessible for visitors. Embarking on a cruise along the River Motława provides a unique perspective, offering glimpses of the shipyard's heritage. Alternatively, guided bus tours provide a comprehensive exploration of the notable structures within the shipyard's vicinity.

View of Gdansk Shipyard with cranes and ships

At the heart of the Gdańsk Shipyard stands the solemn Monument of the Fallen Shipyard Workers, an iconic tribute located at the shipyard's entrance. Adjacent to this poignant memorial, the European Solidarity Centre beckons, housing a museum with a compelling permanent exhibition. Inside, visitors are immersed in the rich narrative of Solidarity, offering detailed insights into this transformative movement that shaped Poland's history.

view of old cranes at Gdansk Shipyard

View of Gdansk Shipyard

ships in dry dock at Gdansk Shipyard

ships and crane at Gdansk Shipyard

Monument of the Fallen Shipyard Workers at the shipyard's gates in Gdansk

Location: Na Ostrowiu 15/20, 80-873 GdaÅ„sk, Poland.
Website: Gdansk Shipyard

The Gdańsk Shipyard, also known as Stocznia Gdańska, stands as a pivotal site in European history. It was within these very walls that histo...

A Cruise on the Motława River with the Galleon Lion

At the Old Harbor in Gdansk you can find many ships for a cruise on the Motława River. They all follow the same route from the harbor through Gdansk Shipyard, to Westerplatte and back.

We chose the Galeon Lew (Galleon Lion) because it looks spectacular and the children couldn't wait to set aboard a pirate ship. The galleon has an upper and lower deck and offers the possibility to eat or drink during the trip. There's also a tour guide on board who explains more about the important sights during the cruise in Polish, German, English and Russian.

From the galleon you have a great view of the docks and the ships in Gdansk Shipyard. You get the possibility to get off the ship at Westerplatte and get picked up by the next galleon. The whole cruise takes around 90 minutes. 

Location: Długie Pobrzeże, 22-100 Gdańsk, Poland

Picture of the Galleon Lion on the Motława River in Gdansk

ships in Gdansk Shipyard on the Motława River

View from the Galleon Lion on Gdansk Shipyard

ferry boat of Polferries on the Motława River in Gdansk

view of Westerplatte in Gdansk from the Galleon Lion on the Motława River

view of the Seven Mar from the galleon on the Motława River

View of the galleon Black Pearl on the Motława River in Gdansk

view from the Galleon Lion on old harbor in Gdansk

At the Old Harbor in Gdansk you can find many ships for a cruise on the Motława River. They all follow the same route from the harbor throu...