
Port de Fécamp

view from beach

view on the hill at Fécamp

view on the hill at Fécamp

port de Fécamp

Cliffs at Fécamp

view of Fécamp

view of FécampFécamp is a town in the Haute Normandie region in northern France. Like the nearby town Etretat, it is a good place to explore the cliffs of the Alabaster coast. Fécamp has a small fishing port and a beautiful promenade along the pebble beach. It is also the home of the Benedictine liquor which is still made here.

Jurgen Huibers
Jurgen Huibers

We're a family of five from the picturesque scenery of Belgium. Come along with us as we share stories from our journeys so far. And if you're curious about any of the places we've visited, don't hesitate to ask. Your dream European getaway is within reach, and we're here to make it extraordinary!

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