Sanssouci Palace in Park Sanssouci

Sanssouci Palace in Park Sanssouci

Sanssouci Palace in Park Sanssouci

Sanssouci Palace in Park Sanssouci

Sanssouci Palace in Park Sanssouci

Sanssouci Palace in Park Sanssouci

Sanssouci Palace, located at Park Sanssouci in Potsdam, is the former summer residence of Frederick the Great. Architect Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff constructed the palace between 1745 and 1747, above a terraced vineyard. The palace was named Sanssouci, which means without worries in French, because here the King could leave all the formalities of the royal court behind and spend time on his hobbies.

Sanssouci Palace is a one-story building with 12 rooms, all glamorous decorated in rococo style. The main entrance area consists of two halls, the Entrance Hall and the Marble Hall. The west wing has guest rooms, these were for friends considered intimate enough to be invited by the King. The east wing contains the King's study, bedroom, living room, concert room and a private library.

View location in Park Sanssouci, Potsdam, Germany.
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