Train World Museum in Brussels

green steam locomotive

two old trains

old steam locomotive

perron with train in background

old steam locomotives

three copies of front of train

Train World is a new impressive museum in Brussels dedicated to the world of the Belgium Railroads. The museum sees itself more like a train opera and creates an unforgettable experience for the visitors.

Train World is over 8000 square metres and displays 22 locomotives. It also displays 1200 other objects, including an original 19th century railway bridge.

One of the most important objects in the museum is the "Pays de Waes" locomotive, dating to 1842, which is the oldest preserved locomotive in Continental Europe. You can also admire the authentic royal carriages or see the stainless steel carriage of the TGV's predecessor, the Trans Europe Express.

You can find Train World in the former buildings of Schaarbeek railway station together with a new museum complex.

Location: Prinses Elisabethplein 5, 1030 Schaarbeek(Brussels), Belgium.

Jurgen Huibers
Jurgen Huibers

We're a family of five from the picturesque scenery of Belgium. Come along with us as we share stories from our journeys so far. And if you're curious about any of the places we've visited, don't hesitate to ask. Your dream European getaway is within reach, and we're here to make it extraordinary!

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