The Belgian Air Force Days is an eagerly anticipated annual airshow hosted at the Kleine-Brogel Air Base in Belgium. This grand event showcases a captivating array of aircraft, both military and civilian, from Belgium and across the globe. This year the Belgian Air Force days were held on September 9 and 10.
Some of this year's highlights included:
- The Belgian Air Force's F-16 Fighting Falcon
- The Royal Netherlands Air Force's F-35 Lightning II
- The Patrouille Suisse
- The Red Arrows
Beyond the exhilarating flying displays, the event also features a captivating display of aircraft, a bustling military market, and an array of engaging activities for children.
The Belgian Air Force Days offers a unique opportunity to intimately experience some of the world's most remarkable aircraft. Furthermore, it provides an educational insight into the Belgian Air Force and its essential mission, making it an event not to be missed for aviation enthusiasts and curious minds alike. Be sure to mark your calendars for next year.
Location: Kleine-Brogel Air Base, Peer, Belgium
Website: Belgian Air Force Days