The Main Market Square in Mechelen

Main Market Square in Mechelen

Main Market Square in Mechelen

Town Hall of Mechelen

Palace of the Great Council

Main Market Square in MechelenThe Main Market Square in Mechelen is dominated by the tower of the St Rombold's Cathedral. Around the square are houses from the 16th century in Renaissance style and from the 18th century in Rococo style.
On the east side is the Town Hall(3rd photo), it has 3 different parts. On the left is the Palace of the Great Council, in the middle the unfinished Belfry and on the right the Cloth Market.

View location in Mechelen, Belgium.
Jurgen Huibers
Jurgen Huibers

We're a family of five from the picturesque scenery of Belgium. Come along with us as we share stories from our journeys so far. And if you're curious about any of the places we've visited, don't hesitate to ask. Your dream European getaway is within reach, and we're here to make it extraordinary!

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