Honoring Sacrifice: The Monument aux Morts in Le Havre

Standing tall in the heart of Le Havre, the Monument aux Morts bears silent witness to the bravery of the Havrais during World War I. Crafted by the talented sculptor Pierre-Marie Poisson, this monument was inaugurated on August 3, 1924. It is not merely a "monument of victory" but a poignant tribute to the 6,000 Havrais who fell in battle between 1914 and 1918.

Monument aux Morts in Le Havre, surrounded by French Flags

The monument features simplified yet powerful figures that emphasize essential aspects. Placed high above, these figures compel us to look up and revere the sacrifices made. Organized around the central figure of Victory, the sculptures depict war-related virtues on the north side—warriors, wounded soldiers, and flags—and civic virtues on the south side—workers, abundance, and maternity. Opposite Victory stands a shrouded figure symbolizing Grief. Interestingly, the monument was one of the few remnants of this neighborhood that remained intact after the bombardment of Le Havre in September 1944.

View of the sculptures on the Monument aux Morts in Le Havre

Le Havre paid an exceptionally heavy toll during World War I, and each name engraved on the monument represents an ultimate sacrifice. As the sun sets and the monument gently illuminates, it reminds all passersby that freedom comes at a cost, a price paid courageously by these brave men and women.

Location: 165 Rue de Paris, 76600 Le Havre, France.

Jurgen Huibers
Jurgen Huibers

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